ID & Design International Visual Brand Concepting For The Park At Broken Sound Q&A With IDDI President & CEO Sherif Ayad

Q: What fascinated you about this project?

A: Arvida Park of Commerce was founded in the late 70s. Our ID & Design International team was very excited to be part of a project with so much history. Our region is in constant urban renovation, looking back in history in order to design for the future is always a challenging situation.

Q: What inspired your brand design and style choices? (ie. nature, history, new planned mobility initiative, current architecture)

A: We were inspired by the elements and fusion of nature and the future. We wanted to create a design that would last the test of time.

Q: What influenced your choice in color palette? In typography?

A: The accents of green in our design came from the natural park elements. We wanted to incorporate nature into our very contemporary, yet timeless design.

Q: What was the biggest challenge in this project?

A: 1. Being responsible for the new image of an area for at least the next 30 years.

2. The scale and adaptation of the design to existing elements and landscape.

3. How to integrate iconic design elements to become strong focal and
interest points – reflecting the past, present and future within the environment.

Q: How did future landscape plans play a role in your design choices?

A: We want to maintain the beauty of the large-scale trees and landscape already in the park combining the old with the new. Preserving the existing landscape is the best way to enhance the image of the area for the future.

Q: Will the installation happen in phases? If so, what would the priorities be?

A: The monument walls will be updated first as they are the defining entrances in to the park. The street signage, building entry monuments and street banners will be second in impactful on-site branding.

Q: How do you translate the logo from paper/digit

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